DRMKC Risk Data Hub, GRRASP (Geospatial Risk and Resilience Assessment Platform) and RAPID-N (Rapid Natech Risk Analysis and Mapping System) - 3rd DRMKC RDH Workshop
The workshop “Decision Making Improvement for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) through technological support” was held in Bucharest, Romania on 16th of October 2019, part of the 4th DRMKC Annual Seminar. The key objective of the session was to increase the collaboration with national/regional/local authorities and other institutions, aligning the development of the tools to the needs and concerns expressed at local/national level. To accomplish its objective, the workshop brought together technical and scientific experts with end users of the platforms, who have faced the main challenges related to data, knowledge and institutional practices while offering technological support for DRM. Showcases and feedback from national authorities and institutions were presented, as they were experienced when using the platforms presented in the session: the DRMKC Risk Data Hub, GRRASP and RAPID-N. The session was divided in two parts, in the first it was presented the general characteristics and functionalities of the platforms, followed in the second part by showcases of using these platforms in various applications by the local authorities and institutions.
ANTOFIE Tiberiu-Eugen;
MARIN FERRER Montserrat;
LUONI Stefano;
EKLUND Lars Gustav;
Antofie, T., Marin Ferrer, M., Luoni, S. and Eklund, L., Decision Making Improvement for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) through technological support, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-14664-3, doi:10.2760/684069, JRC119259.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-14665-0 (online),
978-92-76-14664-3 (print),
OP KJ-03-20-008-EN-N (online),
OP KJ-03-20-008-EN-C (print),
10.2760/44907 (online),
10.2760/684069 (print),