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The International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - Towards more sustainable production and consumption for a resource-efficient Europe

Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are the scientific approaches behind modern environmental policies and business decision support related to Sustainable Consumption and Production and a resource-efficient society. In the Communication on Integrated Product Policy (IPP), the European Commission had committed to produce a handbook on best practice in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy Action Plan (SCP/SIP) confirmed that “(…) consistent and reliable data and methods are required to assess the overall environmental performance of products (…)”. Finally yet importantly, the 2011 Communication on "A resource-efficient Europe – Flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy" takes a life cycle approach to reduce the environmental impacts caused by resource use, re-stating the necessity to work with a consistent analytical approach. Responding to these needs, the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook provides governments and businesses with a basis for assuring quality and consistency of life cycle data, methods and assessments. This JRC Reference Report (JRC RR) is an umbrella document for the guidance documents of the ILCD Handbook. This JRC RR provides overview information on the Handbook components and their interrelationship, as well as supporting documents and tools. For policy developers, contracting officers and scientific officers it provides guidance on referring to the ILCD Handbook and its related components in policy and business context, such as in policies, for service contracts and for research contracts. The principle target audience of the technical guidance documents of the ILCD Handbook themselves is the LCA practitioner as well as technical experts in the public and private sector dealing with environmental decision support related to products, resources, and waste management.
Wolf M, Pant R, Chomkhamsri K, Sala S, Pennington D. The International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - Towards more sustainable production and consumption for a resource-efficient Europe . EUR 24982 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2012. JRC66506
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-79-21639-8 (print),    978-92-79-21640-4,   
1018-5593 (print),    1831-9424 (online),   
EUR 24982 EN,    OP LB-NA-24982-EN-C (print),    OP LB-NA-24982-EN-N (online),,   
10.2788/85670 (print),    10.2788/85727 (online),   
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