This report contributes to the Bioenergy Nexus cluster of Joint Research Centre (JRC) initiative "Scientific Support to the Danube Strategy" in the framework of European Union Strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR). In line with Article 4 and Article 22 of the Renewable Energy Directive Danube region countries have submitted to the European Commission and to the Energy Community their national renewable energy action plans (NREAPs) and biennial progress reports. Danube region countries have submitted also to European Commission and to the Energy Community their national energy efficiency action plans (NEEAPs) as required by the Energy Efficiency Directives.
This report presents a detailed view of the energy mix of the Danube region countries for the period 1990-2013 as well as energy efficiency and renewable energy indicators as reported for year 2013 together with the expected progress up to 2020. In particular, the report focuses on the current and projected development of bioenergy in Danube region countries providing a deep analysis of its deployment in the three main sectors of Electricity, Heating/Cooling and Transport.
BANJA Manjola;
BODIS Katalin;
DALLEMAND Jean-Francois;
SCARLAT Nicolae;
KONA Albana;
Banja M; Monforti-Ferrario F; Bodis K; Economidou M; Dallemand J; Scarlat N; Medarac H; Kona A. Sustainable energy in the Danube region as an integral part of EU 2020 strategy: Analysis of NREAPs, NEEAPs and renewable energy progress reports of Danube region countries. EUR 27730. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2016. JRC97780
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-79-54858-1 (print),
1018-5593 (print),
1831-9424 (online),
EUR 27730,
OP LD-NA-27730-EN-C (print),
OP LD-NA-27730-EN-N (online),,
10.2790/890842 (print),
10.2790/924285 (online),