@techreport{JRC101135, number = {LB-NA-27855-EN-N}, address = {Luxembourg (Luxembourg)}, issn = {1831-9424}, year = {2015}, author = {Weingartner A and Raich J}, isbn = {978-92-79-57774-1}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, abstract = {The objective of this deliverable is to describe the proposal for the creation of a Water Security Plan at EU level focused on water quality security, not physical security only, although physical security should be also included. A Water Security Plan, has different elements compared to Water Safety Plans, although these proposals are being aligned with the Drinking Water Directive, where relevant. The intention is to consult with stakeholders in Member States, and EurEau members, and revise this document according to comments received. This new concept of developing a Water Security Plan (WSP) is devoted to focus on on-line monitoring as close to real-time control as possible of drinking water quality supplied from the drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) to the tap of the customer, in order to make sure that protection to contaminations increases. In addition to it, the fulfillment of this Water Security Plan would let the water utility know how vulnerable it is at this moment and it should also improve the day to day drinking water operational management. Finally, emergency response plans would be already available in case any contamination is detected and immediate action is needed. }, title = {Proposal for a water security plan to improve the detection of threats in the distribution network affecting drinking water quality: ERNCIP thematic group Chemical and Biological Risks to Drinking Water Task 2, deliverable 2.2}, type = {Technical guidance}, url = {}, doi = {10.2788/63373} }