@article{JRC105229, number = {KJ-NA-28414-EN-N}, address = {Luxembourg (Luxembourg)}, issn = {1831-9424}, year = {2016}, author = {Pignatelli F and Boguslawski R and Borzacchiello MT and Bigagli E}, isbn = {978-92-79-64995-0}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, abstract = {The European Union Location Framework (EULF) is a set of good practices and actions to promote more effective and efficient use of location information in e-government services across Europe. The EULF was initially developed in the ISA Programme, which supported interoperability solutions, sharing and re-use among European Public Administrations. It is now being enhanced and applied further through the European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) action in the successor ISA2 Programme. ISA² develops digital solutions that enable interoperable public services across borders and sectors for the benefit of public administrations, businesses and citizens in the EU. ISA² solutions can be used free of charge and are open source when related to IT. This document, the 'European Union Location Framework References', contains a set of inventories and links concerning the use of location information in e-government services and supplementary information related to the other EULF outputs, namely the EULF Strategic Vision, the Assessment of the Conditions for an EULF and the EULF Blueprint. It is therefore useful as an Annex to these other outputs but can be used as a self-standing reference document for anyone undertaking fact-finding or research into the use of location information in the context of e-government services. The EULF References document is updated periodically as new developments take place in the field and are added to the body of knowledge. Please contact the document owner, Francesco Pignatelli, if you discover any errors or important omissions in this document. This is a rapidly developing field, with improvements taking place in Europe and more widely on a regular basis. It is also recognised that online documents and websites change location or are removed from time to time. Therefore, your help in keeping this document as accurate as possible will be greatly appreciated. }, title = {European Union Location Framework References - version 2}, url = {}, doi = {10.2760/410972}