@article{JRC111969, address = {Ispra (Italy)}, year = {2018}, author = {Condeco Melhorado AM and Christidis P and Dijkstra L}, publisher = {European Commission}, abstract = {Historical road networks in Europe: Shapefiles including the correct geometry and speed of the European road networks from 1960. Methodological description and application in: Condeço-Melhorado, A. M., Christidis, P., & Dijkstra, L. (2015). Travel speed changes along the European core road network for the period 1960–2030: An application of octilinear cartograms. Journal of Maps, (November), 1–4. doi:10.1080/17445647.2015.1088482 doi: 10.1080/17445647.2015.1088482 Three classes of roads (1,2,3), class 1 being highways. Six time periods: 2012, 2000, 1990, 1980, 1970 and 1955 Field NCLASS_xxx is the class of the road in each year (last xxx digits) Travel time is the time (in minutes) to travel the distance (shape_length, in meters) at the speed of the class the road has in 2012. }, title = {Replication Data for: Travel speed changes along the European core road network for the period 1960–2030: an application of octilinear cartograms}, url = {https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/INFPSE}, doi = {10.7910/DVN/INF