@techreport{JRC112864, number = {KJ-NA-29351-EN-N (online)}, address = {Luxembourg (Luxembourg)}, issn = {1831-9424 (online)}, year = {2018}, author = {Vespe M and Santamaria Serna C and Zampieri A and Ivan D and Juchno P and Lanzieri G and Wronski A and Senchea-Badea G and Roche F and Gemma A and Sola A and Busiakiewicz P and Aujean L and Rango M}, isbn = {978-92-79-93668-5 (online)}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, abstract = {Adequate data is key for evidence-informed policymaking. This report describes the initiative coordinated by the KCMD that has brought together relevant EU policy officers (from Commission DGs and services, and EU Agencies) to discuss the current state of migration data for EU policymaking and to coordinate actions intended to address some of the existing data gaps. The report first presents the European migration data landscape and then describes some approaches that are being explored to improve data adequacy. }, title = {Towards an EU Policy on Migration Data}, type = {Policy assessment}, url = {}, doi = {10.2760/645367 (online)} }