@techreport{JRC114120, number = {KJ-NA-29700-EN-N (online),KJ-NA-29700-EN-E (ePub)}, address = {Luxembourg (Luxembourg)}, issn = {1831-9424 (online)}, year = {2019}, author = {Antofie T and Luoni S and Marin Ferrer M and Faiella A}, isbn = {978-92-76-01385-3 (online),978-92-76-05483-2 (ePub)}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, abstract = {The management of disaster risks of different kinds (manmade, natural) is ruled at European level by a number of policies covering various sectors (e.g. environmental, industrial, civil protection, security, health), scales (EU wide, regional, national) and operational actions (preparedness, prevention, response and recovery). A range of research and technological developments, are motivated to support the implementation of these policies and actions across various scales reaching local level. However, the effectiveness of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) depends greatly on the efficiency of managing relevant information. Complex forms of decision-making needs technological support for achieving DRM objective of reducing risk. Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) is currently developing a web-based geographical information system (WebGIS) aiming to support the implementation of international actions for DRM from global or regional level to local-national level. With this study, we present the DRMKC Risk Data Hub, a tool that improves the access and share of curated EU-wide disaster risk information relevant for DRM related actions. We also identify the key characteristics of a WebGiS platform needed to address in the most efficient way aspects of disaster risk management. Risk Data Hub acts as a knowledge hub, links policy and practice through geospatial technology and mapping, combines top-down strategies with bottom-up methodological approaches and sets the bases for science-based information for DRM polices. Currently, Risk Data Hub structures the information into three modules that covers the Exposure Analysis – as one of the main drivers of risk, Historic Events – as an EU-wide loss and damage database and Risk Analysis module - as collection of good or existing practices. }, title = {Risk Data Hub – web platform to facilitate management of disaster risks}, type = {Technical guidance, Damage assessment, Risk assessment, Other}, url = {}, doi = {10.2760/68372 (online),10.2760/346270 (ePu