@article{JRC117674, address = {ITALY}, year = {2019}, author = {Lindsay R and Ifo A and Cole LES and Montanarella L and Nuutinen M}, abstract = {Mapping the extent of peat lands at global scale is a necessary condition for fully implementing climate change mitigation strategies addressing the increasing rate of mineralization of organic matter in organic soils causing substantial carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. }, title = {Peatlands – the challenge of mapping the world’s invisible stores of carbon and water}, type = {Full paper}, url = {http://www.fao.org/3/ca6842en/ca6842en.pdf}, volume = {70}, number = {2019/1}, journal = {UNASYLVA}, pages = {46-57}, issn = {0041-6436 (online)}, publisher = {FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS}, doi = {