@article{JRC125256, number = {KJ-NG-30334-EN-N (online),KJ-NG-30334-EN-C (print)}, address = {Luxembourg (Luxembourg)}, issn = {1831-9424 (online),1018-5593 (print)}, year = {2021}, author = {Romania P and Folgiero V and Nic M and Dibusz K and Novotny T and Busquet F and Rossi F and Straccia M and Daskalopoulos E and Dura A and Gribaldo L and Whelan M}, isbn = {978-92-76-39986-5 (online),978-92-76-39987-2 (print)}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, abstract = {It is widely recognised that immuno-oncology has revolutionised cancer treatment, nevertheless there are major hurdles in addressing several key medical questions. Among these, there is a lack of preclinical animal models capable of mimicking patient conditions and predicting responses to such new therapies. Therefore, there is an ongoing need to develop more comprehensive, functional non-animal models. The JRC’s EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL ECVAM) conducted a study to review the state-of-the-art of advanced non-animal models in use for immuno-oncology research. In this study around 130,000 peer-reviewed publications on immuno-oncology were initially retrieved and screened for representative papers describing innovative and promising advanced non-animal models. }, title = {Advanced Non-animal Models in Biomedical Research}, url = {}, doi = {10.2760/393670 (online),10.2760/412567 (print)}