@article{JRC13271, address = {}, year = {1996}, author = {Norager O}, abstract = {Part of the poster describes the structure of the European Chemicals Bureau. The rest of the poster is dedicated to the Existing Chemicals and the IUCLID Database. A table lists all fields in the database and a figure together with a text illustrates a dataflow from Industry to the ECB and from the ECB to the Member States. A third part of the poster is concerned with the database structure and the process for the production of the low-cost CD. The article will be published in JCICS and will be a follow up to an earlier article. It will concentrate on the database structure and the tools to handle the data. }, title = {The IUCLID Database - Collection of Data from the Chemical Industry for Risk Assessment}, type = {}, url = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, journal = {Journal Chemical Information and Computing Science}, pages = {}, issn = {}, publisher = {}, doi = {} }