@book{JRC30338, editor = {}, address = {Petten (The Netherlands)}, year = {2005}, author = {Sevini F}, isbn = {}, edition = {}, abstract = {The first PERFECT open workshop was organised by F. Sevini as leader of the Users Group, and P. Pareige, local chairman of IGRDM conference (International Group for Radiation Damage Mechanisms in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels). The presentations showed the progress accomplished by PERFECT in the areas of Physical modelling, construction of fracture toughness module and advanced integration of the modules. Expectations at the end of the project are high, but PERFECT is organised to continuously monitor the progress, and have a detailed list of deliverables. It is a long-term project which should continue also beyond the contractual duration of 4 years. For this, collaboration amongst scientist and the feed-back from utilities are crucial. Since the start of the project a considerable acceleration of modelling improvements is in progress, and conclusions stressed that researchers in EU and other countries like Japan, USA and Russian Federation should take the opportunity to join the work programme. }, title = {Proceedings of the PERFECT-IGRDM Workshop, 15 April 2005, Arcachon (France)}, url = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, issn = {}, publisher = {EC-JRC-IE}, doi = {} }