@book{JRC31791, editor = {}, address = {}, year = {2005}, author = {Judge C}, isbn = {}, abstract = {A method to determine the activity of Pu 239 in a Plutonium reference solution - one of the samples issued by Association for the Promotion of Quality Control in Radio toxicological Analysis for their Radio toxicological Intercomparison Exercises in 2005. The spiked sample is evaporated with nitric acid followed by dissolution of the resulting residue; the solution is transferred to an uteva resin and then a tru resin column for the separation of the radioactive elements. Pu-239 is then measured following additional separation by electro deposition and alpha spectrometry analysis. }, title = {Determination of Plutonium in a Reference Solution}, url = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, journal = {}, pages = {}, issn = {}, publisher = {PROCORAD}, doi = {} }