@book{JRC34176, editor = {}, address = {Siena (Italy)}, year = {2006}, author = {Badescu M and Nardo M}, isbn = {}, abstract = {In its monitoring of the progress made towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training, the European Commission proposed a set of 29 indicators divided into three strategic objectives. Among these indicators five benchmarks (‘reference levels of European average performance’) were selected by the Council to help focus the efforts of Member States towards the Lisbon objectives. The following analysis is based on the list of 29 indicators. We attempt to answer two questions: 1. Is the set of five benchmarks a “good” shortlist (in the statistical sense), capable of summarising the information contained in the longer list of 29 indicators? 2. Is it possible to derive from the five benchmarks a composite indicator, and what are the properties of this indicator? In this analysis different statistical techniques were employed to analyse a data set of 24 education indicators. A composite indicator of the five benchmarks is constructed and analysed. Key words: indicators and benchmarks, composite indicators }, title = {The Use of Indicators and Benchmarks in Monitoring the Progress in Education and Training at the European Level}, url = {http://www.unisi.it/eventi/dmq2006/paper/Badescu_Nardo.pdf}, volume = {}, number = {}, journal = {}, pages = {1-30}, issn = {}, publisher = {University of Siena}, doi = {} }