@book{JRC37681, editor = {}, address = {Luxembourg (Luxembourg)}, year = {2007}, author = {Bartholmes J and Thielen Del Pozo J and Gentilini S}, isbn = {}, abstract = {The European Flood Alert System (EFAS) is now producing probabilistic hydrological forecasts in pre-operational mode for over 2 years at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). EFAS is aiming at increasing preparedness for floods in transnational European river basins by providing medium-range deterministic and probabilistic flood forecasting information between 3 to10 days in advance. It is providing EFAS information reports regarding forecasted riverine flood events to the collaborating national hydro-meteorological services. Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) for receiving these forecasts have been established for ca. 80% of the area of all European trans-national river basins. In this work 2 years of existing operational hydrological forecasts are being assessed statistically and skill of EFAS is analysed in several ways. The goal is to show where the strengths of such a large scale system lie but also where the limits of predictability and limits of skill scores in this context are. }, title = {Assessing Operational Forecasting Skill of EFAS}, url = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, journal = {}, pages = {13-15}, issn = {}, publisher = {OPOCE}, doi = {} }