@article{JRC38037, address = {NEW YORK (GERMANY)}, year = {2008}, author = {Pomme S and Spasova Y}, abstract = {A method is suggested for the calculation of a reference value and its uncertainty to be used in the frame of an interlaboratory comparison (ILC). It is assumed that the reference value of the measurand is determined independently from the ILC round. It is derived from a limited set of measurement results obtained from one or several expert laboratories. }, title = {A Practical Procedure for Assigning a Reference Value and Uncertainty in the Frame of an Interlaboratory Comparison}, type = {}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/b18gxu6738486wk0/?p=7a3fa983e5c546659594a61a66d4f740&pi=4}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, journal = {ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE}, pages = {83-89}, issn = {0949-1775}, publisher = {SPRINGER}, doi = {10.1007/s00769-007-0330-1} }