@book{JRC41281, editor = {}, address = {Zilina (Slovakia)}, year = {2007}, author = {Ranguelov B and Jelinek R}, isbn = {}, abstract = {The improved version of the developed by the IADB methodology for the multirisk assessment is suggested. The considered variant is adapted for the north Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The version has the pilot meaning, due to the pilot study initiated by JRC. Three potential hazards are selected ¿ earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides. Different elements of the risk are considered. They include indicators about the hazards, exposure, vulnerability and coping capacity. These indicators are quantified by indexes. All indexes are defined by different approaches ¿ statistics, empirical observations, economic parameters, expert judgment. Specific attention is paid to the sensitivity analysis and the influence of the different parameters to the output results. The quantitative risk profiles about the three selected areas are calculated. Multirisk maps are created considering ¿high¿ seasonal variations, due to the tourist influence to the population. }, title = {Methodology and Multirisk Mapping for the North East Bulgarian Black Sea Coast }, url = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, journal = {}, pages = {23-33}, issn = {}, publisher = {Technical University in Zvolen, University of Zilina}, doi =