@book{JRC48207, editor = {V. Metelko-Skutnik, B. Hallvard, M. Myhre, B. Wallis, M. Donaghy, J. Barredo Cano}, address = {Bad Radkersburg (Austria) / Gornja Radgona (Slovenia)}, year = {2008}, author = {Hornich R and Metelko-Skutnik V and Hallvard B and Myhre M and Wallis B and Donaghy M and Barredo Cano J}, isbn = {}, edition = {}, abstract = {At the Working-Group F meeting on October 19th 2007, theme 2 from the Oslo Workshop ¿ ¿Flood Management in Local Planning¿ ¿ was proposed as the topic for the 2008 Workshop, which was held from April 8th to 10th, 2008 in Bad Radkersburg / Gornja Radgona (Austria/Slovenia). During the first two days of the Workshop, regional planning and water management experts presented current projects and examples in flood control and regional planning. Moreover, four Group Sessions were held, followed by a plenary discussion. On the third Workshop day, ¿good practice¿ examples were visited during a field trip. }, title = {Workshop on FLood Management in Local PLanning - Workshop Report}, url = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, issn = {}, publisher = {Wasserwirtschaft Land Steiermark - Schutzwasserwirtschaft und Bodenwasserhaushalt, Ministry of the Environemnt and Spatial Planning (Republic of Slovenia), Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia}, doi = {} }