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Review of the SYMBOL model

An integral part of the model quality control and quality assurance at the European Commission is a scientific peer-review of models, including those developed and used by its Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC). The present reports details the outcome of the review of the SYstemic Model of Banking Originated Losses (SYMBOL), which was carried out by an external scientific Review Panel closely following ‘Guidelines for the review of models used in support of EU policies’. The review aimed at verifying and consolidating the scientific credibility of SYMBOL and identifying most promising/relevant areas for a future model development. The report includes also a first reaction from the SYMBOL team, detailing among others how Review Panel’s suggestions will be addressed.
HORDIJK Leendert;  KANCS D'Artis; 
Hordijk, L. and Kancs, D., editor(s), Kok, C., Ongena, S., Pelizzon, L., Cariboni, J., Heynderickx, W., Maccaferri, S., Pagano, A. and Petracco Giudici, M., Review of the SYMBOL model, EUR 29233 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-85925-0 (pdf), doi:10.2760/607271 (online), JRC111667.
Publications Office of the European Union
1831-9424 (online),   
EUR 29233 EN,    OP KJ-NA-29233-EN-N (online),,   
10.2760/607271 (online),   
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