JRC Publications Repository
The JRC Publications Repository is the public access to all publications of the Joint
Research Centre. It offers access to state-of-the-art science performed by the JRC to the
wider scientific community, with full-text and open access. It is updated on a daily basis,
including most recent outputs.
These outputs include Science-for-Policy reports, research works published in international
journals and proceedings of international conferences, technical reports and other scientific
outputs. They cover a diversity of fields and in particular those relevant for EU policy. They
relate to JRC Science areas, 10 clusters of JRC activities.
Search function
Intuitive Search function, so that users' keywords enable to retrieve associated publications.
Standard functions are supported, such as possibility of searching precise expressions (e.g.
"climate action").
Search can be refined by filtering results (see box on the left part of the search results page)
including notably by JRC Science area.
JRC Science areas
Science and technology are pivotal to modern EU policy making. Based on the scientific
expertise of the JRC, its broad set of competences and on its network including diverse
collaborations with the scientific community and other partnerships, the JRC aims to ensure
that the best scientific advice possible informs policy development and scientific rigour is
applied when analysing research conducted elsewhere.
For this purpose the JRC has defined science areas. The science areas are 10 clusters
of JRC activities, which are fundamental for both research and policy perspectives: Agriculture
and food security, Economic and monetary union, Energy and transport, Environment and
climate change, Health and consumer protection, Information society, Innovation and
growth, Nuclear safety and security, Safety and security, Standards. These enable to
provide a sound overview of the research carried out as well as performed in these fields.
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