Indicators and assessment of the environmental impact of European consumption
This report presents the results of the Life Cycle Indicators (LCIND2) project, aimed at developing two sets of Life cycle Assessment-based indicators for assessing the environmental impact of EU consumption: the Consumption Footprint and the Consumer Footprint. The indicators have been designed aiming at:
• monitoring the evolution of impacts over time in the EU and the Member States as well as the progress towards decoupling economic growth from environmental impacts
• building an LCA-based framework for assessing relevant consumption and eco-innovation policies. The methodology shall measure the environmental impacts from three different perspectives at end consumer product group level; consumption areas (food, housing, mobility, consumer goods, and appliances); the average EU consumer.
• developing a single headline indicator to monitor the evolution of the overall environmental impacts of EU consumption and production at macro level. This includes the elaboration of a specific framework on which to build such indicator and complete time-series for each Member State and European Union as a whole.
• testing ecoinnovation scenarios along the supply chains, from extraction of raw materials, to consumer behaviour, up to end of life options.
This science for policy report is complemented by a technical report, where methodological details and assumptions as well as comparison with other available studies are reported.
SALA Serenella;
BENINI Lorenzo;
BEYLOT Antoine;
CERUTTI Alessandro;
CRENNA Eleonora;
SECCHI Michela;
PANT Rana;
Sala, S., Benini, L., Beylot, A., Castellani, V., Cerutti, A., Corrado, S., Crenna, E., Diaconu, E., Sanye Mengual, E., Secchi, M., Sinkko, T. and Pant, R., Consumption and Consumer Footprint: methodology and results, EUR 29441 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-79-97255-3, doi:10.2760/15899, JRC113607.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-79-97256-0 (online),
978-92-79-97255-3 (print),
1831-9424 (online),
1018-5593 (print),
EUR 29441 EN,
OP KJ-NA-29441-EN-N (online),
OP KJ-NA-29441-EN-C (print),,
10.2760/98570 (online),
10.2760/15899 (print),