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Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2020: A New Normal Beyond Covid-19

Estimating the effects of the pandemic on the energy system, with a focus on the transport sector
This edition of the Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO 2020) puts its focus on analysing the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the transport sector as a whole. The transport sector has suffered the greatest slump in mobility demand of the history during the lockdown period, while the oil price has plummeted. This report explores the impacts of transport activity trends that may persist in the future from the structural changes induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as of policy initiatives that may be adopted as enabling measures for low-carbon transport. While greenhouse gas emissions in this “New Normal” differ significantly compared to previous projections, the emissions gap towards a 2°C pathway is closed only by some 29%, thereby stressing the need of more ambitious collective action to maintaining global temperature change to well below 2°C.
Keramidas, K., Fosse, F., Diaz Vazquez, A., Schade, B., Tchung-Ming, S., Weitzel, M., Vandyck, T. and Wojtowicz, K., Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2020: A New Normal Beyond Covid-19, EUR 30558 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-28417-8, doi:10.2760/608429, JRC123203.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-28417-8 (online),   
1831-9424 (online),   
EUR 30558 EN,    OP KJ-NA-30558-EN-N (online),,   
10.2760/608429 (online),   
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