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Higher Education and Smart Specialisation in Portugal

Universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected to play a catalytic role in S3. They are increasingly being asked to fulfil many new and wide-ranging tasks, probably with an overly optimistic perspective. To be effective in answering to all demands - such as being sources of knowledge, providers of education and training for strategic leaders of regional regeneration, suppliers of knowledge intensive services and infrastructure, local connectors with external knowledge and markets, and also animators of their innovation systems – HEIs face internal and external limitations. This report presents the main results of the JRC project on Higher Education for Smart Specialisation in Portugal. The project intends to help build innovation capabilities by strengthening the participation of HEIs in regional networks; and by promoting the integration of higher education with research, innovation and regional development in the S3 policy mix. The results are divided into two categories. First, a quantitative and descriptive analysis of the publicly available information about the HE system and on the use of European Structural and Investment Funds. Second, the presentation of qualitative results, based on the content analysis of interviews administered to key stakeholders and focus groups conducted in all regions. Results identify aspects for the innovative and transformation potential of Portuguese regions while they also underline contextual and specific problems facing HEIs, while highlighting measures to help overcome these limitations.
Pinto, H., Nogueira, C. and Edwards, J.H., Higher Education and Smart Specialisation in Portugal, EUR 30609 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-30702-0, doi:10.2760/21040, JRC123230.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-30702-0 (online),   
1831-9424 (online),   
EUR 30609 EN,    OP KJ-NA-30609-EN-N (online),,   
10.2760/21040 (online),   
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