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JRC MARS Bulletin - Global outlook - Crop monitoring European neighbourhood - Russia - September 2022

Exceptionally high grain production expected
Favourable weather conditions since the start to the season have led to a high yield and production outlook for winter and spring cereals in most parts of Russia. The persistent rain deficit during summer, followed by a heatwave in August is expected to have negatively affected the grain maize yield potential in south-western parts of European Russia.
BEN AOUN Wassim;  VAN DEN BERG Maurits; 
Ben Aoun, W., Cerrani, I., Claverie, M., Ronchetti, G. and Nisini Scacchiafichi, L., JRC MARS Bulletin - Global outlook - Crop monitoring European neighbourhood - Russia - September 2022, Ben Aoun, W. and Van Den Berg, M. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, doi:10.2760/013239, JRC127976.
Publications Office of the European Union
2600-2817 (online),   
OP KJ-BQ-22-006-EN-N (online),,   
10.2760/013239 (online),   
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