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Status of environment and climate in the Western Balkans

Benchmarking the accession process progress on environment
Accurate and complete environmental information is at the basis of sustainable development. This report summarises for the first time the status of air, climate, water and soil in the Western Balkans (WB), describing current knowledge as of 2021 and gaps with respect to the EU aquis in order to a) benchmark the progress during the accession process and b) support the implementation of the Green Agenda for the WB with particular reference to depollution and decarbonisation priorities. This information is also relevant for the EU Green Deal zero pollution ambition, as depollution in WB also reduces pollutant levels in neighbouring EU Member States. Despite significant improvements in the alignment of the climate and GHG emissions monitoring and reporting legislation and the good progress in the areas of air and water pollution in the latest two years, the EU aquis implementation is still lagging. In order to make progress in the implementation of the environmental legislation it is necessary to improve the integration of the environmental measures into key sectorial policies (energy production, energy efficiency, industry, transport). This principle is reflected in the Green Agenda for the WB and the new EU Soil Strategy. Due to the relatively small area of the WB and the interconnections between ecosystems across and beyond the region, strengthening regional and international cooperation is essential to involve all the relevant actors and stakeholders in the design and implementation of environmental policies.
European Commission: Joint Research Centre, BELIS, C., DJATKOV, D., LETTIERI, T., JONES, A., WOJDA, P., BANJA, M., MUNTEAN, M., PAUNOVIC, M., NIEGOWSKA, M.Z., MARINOV, D., POZNANOVIĆ, G., POZZOLI, L., DOBRICIC, S., ZDRULI, P. and VANDYCK, T., Status of environment and climate in the Western Balkans, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022,, JRC129172.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-52723-7 (online),    978-92-76-52722-0 (print),    978-92-76-55768-5,   
1831-9424 (online),    1018-5593 (print),    1831-9424,   
EUR 31077 EN,    OP KJ-NA-31077-EN-N (online),    OP KJ-NA-31077-EN-C (print),    OP KJ-NA-31-077-EN-E,,   
10.2760/294516 (online),    10.2760/374068 (print),    10.2760/122998,   
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