This study supports a first identification of the economic and productive domains that might be considered in the selection of the priority areas for a Smart Specialisation Strategy in Kosovo. It includes both a quantitative and a qualitative analyses that identify a number of industries and sub-areas to be further explored in the following Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP). The quantitative mapping study is based on a combination of different statistical methodologies and explores the economic, scientific and innovation potential of Kosovo, whereas the qualitative analysis uses public consultations and interviews. The qualitative analysis, which integrates the outcomes of the quantitative diagnosis, identifies three “vertical” economic and productive areas (wood processing, food processing, and green energy) and two more “horizontal” ones (ICT and creative industries) as showing a great potential for triggering the transformation and drive Kosovo into a more competitive economy. Both diagnostic stages dealt with relevant challenges related to data availability, especially during the quantitative analysis, as well as with difficulties in reaching out with the stakeholders of the priority areas selected, for a number of reasons including mistrust, post-COVID situation, and a general lack of information on Smart Specialisation.
Hollanders, H. and Rexhëbeqaj, V., The identification of priority domains in Kosovo. A mapping exercise, Gerussi, E. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, ISBN 978-92-76-99784-9, doi:10.2760/234515, JRC132677.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-99784-9 (online),
OP KJ-09-23-066-EN-N (online),,
10.2760/234515 (online),