The Pilot Project "REGIONS2030: Monitoring the SDGs in the EU regions - Filling the data gaps", supported by the European Parliament is developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with ESTAT and DG REGIO. The REGIONS2030 Pilot Project is carried out involving 10 European regions, which share a strong ambition to monitor the achievement of the SDGs and are willing to explore the synergies of SDGs monitoring, policy-making and sustainable regional development.
This factsheet illustrates the key figures and facts on the Region of Piedmont (IT).
MANFREDI Raffaella;
STAMOS Iraklis;
VEGA RAPUN Margarita;
Bertozzi, C., Manfredi, R., Stamos, I. and Vega Rapun, M., REGIONS2030 Piedmont region factsheet, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/532610, JRC134190.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-68-04835-1 (online)(ENG),
978-92-68-04836-8 (print)(ENG),
978-92-68-04834-4 (online)(ITA),
978-92-68-04837-5 (print)(ITA),
OP KJ-07-23-231-EN-N (online)(ENG),
OP KJ-07-23-231-EN-C (print)(ENG),
OP KJ-07-23-231-IT-N (online)(ITA),
OP KJ-07-23-231-IT-C (print)(ITA),,
10.2760/40683 (online)(ENG),
10.2760/127162 (online)(ITA),
10.2760/532610 (print)(ENG),
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