The Advanced Manufacturing (ADMAN) study, launched in 2023, aims to support EU policymakers, industrial stakeholders, and Member States in assessing the performance of the advanced manufacturing industry in Europe and shaping EU industrial strategy. Focused on advanced technologies applied to manufacturing processes, the ADMAN study builds on the recommendations of the Industrial Forum’s Task Force on Advanced Manufacturing and aims at addressing existing data gaps by deploying a methodological approach that provides a comprehensive and comparative overview of the ADMAN industry. To do so, this report defines and discusses some preliminary metrics to map the ADMAN industry at global level, with a special emphasis on the EU's position relative to global competitors.
CALZA Elisa;
FABIANI Josefina;
DE PRATO Giuditta;
Calza, E., Soguero Escuer, J., Fabiani, J. and De Prato, G., Advanced Manufacturing Study. Preliminary findings on EU`s Advanced Manufacturing industry in the global landscape, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, doi:10.2760/798090, JRC137761.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-68-16509-6 (online),
1831-9424 (online),
EUR 31955 EN,
OP KJ-NA-31-955-EN-N (online),,
10.2760/798090 (online),