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European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC) Feasibility Study

This report presents the results of a feasibility study of the European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC), as Action 9 of the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027). The study reflects the results of a year-long series of consultation activities that have engaged a wide range of stakeholders. Stakeholders see the EDSC as a Quality Label for existing digital skills certifications rather than a European Certificate in its own right. Certification providers would then have the possibility to obtain the EDSC Quality Label through an accreditation process. The EDSC Quality Label would entail a framework of requirements and recommendations that certification providers would comply with, within a governance structure. The evidence of this study shows that, in spite of the broad set of potential benefits and added value that a trusted European Quality Label on digital skills certificates could bring, the demand for an EDSC in the EU is limited. In particular, for employers and certificate holders, while their low participation limited the study’s capacity to fully assess their need, the data collected from these actors shows a low level of demand. This is further confirmed by a majority of stakeholders pointing to the lack of demand from employers and education and training institutions as a key challenge for the implementation of an EDSC. An additional challenge reported is the insufficient provision of education and training on digital skills. Furthermore, the study has identified a varied but overall moderate level of readiness for an EDSC across Member States indicating that substantial effort would be needed to implement and reap the benefits from an EDSC. The feasibility analysis explored technical considerations for each requirement and recommendation defining the EDSC Quality Label, drew a cost-benefit analysis, examined a potential governance structure and outlined the possible building blocks for its implementation. The analysis shows that the model that emerged from the study for an EDSC would entail significant implementation and permanent operational costs. In addition, the development of a broad set of actions or building blocks for the EDSC to deliver its expected benefits would be needed, including, among others, the setting up of a supporting policy framework, the development of a relevant education and training offer available and accessible to all citizens, the setting up of a governance structure and of an accreditation system for certification providers, the availability of EDSC accredited certification schemes across EU Member States, awareness raising and communication actions among stakeholders, and a detailed understanding of the demand for digital skill certificates with an EDSC Quality Label. Considering that employers and certificate holders constitute key actors for the adoption of an EDSC and show a low level of demand, the overall moderate level of readiness for an EDSC across Member States, and, the complexity of its implementation, at this stage, the costs of putting in place an EDSC Quality label, based on the gathered evidence, would outweigh its benefits.
CENTENO, C., COSGROVE, J., CACHIA, R., MORA, T., DI LEGGE, A., VIVARELLI, S., BULIAN, G., MOYES PRELLEZO, N., PIÑA DE SANTISTEBAN, P., SCHULZ, C., HÜSING, T., CUARTAS-ACOSTA, A. and TROIA, S., European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC) Feasibility Study, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, doi:10.2760/958195, JRC138344.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-68-19780-6 (online),   
1831-9424 (online),   
EUR 32013,    OP KJ-NA-32-013-EN-N (online),,   
10.2760/958195 (online),   
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