Mapping of potential risk of ship strike with fin whales in the Western Mediterranean Sea. A scientific and technical review using the potential habitat of fin whales and the effective vessel density
This scientific technical report describes the methodology and analyzes the seasonal results of a ship strike model with fin whales in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The potential risk of ship strike is computed from realistic vessel density (AIS data) and satellite-derived daily potential habitat of fin whales. The selected periods (late spring, mid-summer and autumn) highlight the variability of both maritime traffic and potential habitat of fin whales. The proposed method of combining potential habitat and AIS maritime traffic data provides an added value for policymakers. It shows the feasibility of assessing the seasonal potential risk of ship strikes with fin whales at basin scale. The Liguro-Provençal Basin shows a higher potential risk in mid-summer than late spring or autumn due to a higher traffic of passenger ferries in July-August. The Alboran Sea shows an even higher potential risk but fin whales there are hardly ever observed in this area suggesting a noise disturbance from hundreds of vessels crossing this narrow area each day. These high noise levels are likely to exceed the limit of “good conservation status” under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. This work also highlights the feasibility of deriving a near real system where the daily product of potential habitat can be used on board of vessel to increase awareness or complementary to real-time plotting systems of cetaceans.
DRUON Jean-Noel;
Vaes T, Druon J. Mapping of potential risk of ship strike with fin whales in the Western Mediterranean Sea. A scientific and technical review using the potential habitat of fin whales and the effective vessel density. EUR 25847. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2013. JRC79841
Publications Office of the European Union
EUR 25847,
OP LB-NA-25847-EN-N,,
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