Since the adoption of Directive 2001/18 a variety of NGTs has been developed which are capable to alter the genome of an organism. These techniques aim to improve plant and animal breeding by accelerating the breeding process, and/or by rendering it more precise. They are seen as a promising field for the agri-food industry but they are offering also for the health industry great technical and innovative potential.This study used a systematic literature survey to identify the major NGTs employed for genome modifications in plants, animals and microorganisms.Many of the NGTs are built on the versatile CRISPR-Cas technology, which can be used in different versions and to which additional functionalities may be added.NGTs may affect only single nucleotide changes or may delete, replace or insert very large sequences and thus a classification of NGTs on the basis of the size of the nuclear fragment affected is not feasible.Here, we have therefore developed a classification system by arranging the NGTs into four groups based on the interaction of their active components with the genome.Furthermore, as a guidance to the regulator, we give an overview of the possible genome alterations and their likelihood of occurring in nature or through conventional breeding. We also provide the main NGTs that may be involved to generate those genome alterations in the different kingdoms of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, plants and animals). It must be noted that some NGTs may be used in combination with other NGTs for an improved performance
ANGERS Alexandre;
QUERCI Maddalena;
SAVINI Cristian;
EMONS Hendrik;
Broothaerts, W., Jacchia, S., Angers, A., Petrillo, M., Querci, M., Savini, C., Van Den Eede, G. and Emons, H., New Genomic Techniques: State-of-the-Art Review, EUR 30430 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-24696-1, doi:10.2760/710056, JRC121847.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-24696-1 (online),
1831-9424 (online),
EUR 30430 EN,
OP KJ-NA-30430-EN-N (online),,
10.2760/710056 (online),