Country-level key data and information related to non-food, non-energy raw materials
The module European Country Profiles of the European Commission’s Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) provides country-specific data and indicators related to non-food, non-energy raw materials. These data and indicators are derived from data from official sources and well-established data providers, or by their elaboration. Each profile is structured into nine thematic sections: i) Key indicators; ii) Investment and regulatory framework; iii) research, development and innovation; iv) Resources and reserves; v) Supply; vi) Raw materials use; vii) Trade; viii) Environment; and ix) Social & Policy.
The current country report presents the data and indicators for Austria, mirroring the EU Country Profile for Austria included in the RMIS in May 2019, which is the reference month of the data used.
Nita, V., Garbossa, E., Ciuta, T., Bonollo, B., Mancini, L., Vidal Legaz, B., Latunussa, C., Wittmer, D., Hamor, T., D`elia, E., Unguru, M. and Manfredi, S., EU Country profiles in the Raw Materials Information System (RMIS): Austria, EUR 30396 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-22986-5, doi:10.2760/517792, JRC122064.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-22986-5 (online)
1831-9424 (online)
EUR 30396 EN , OP KJ-NA-30396-EN-N (online)