The main objective of the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard (the Scoreboard) is to benchmark the performance of EU innovation-driven industries against major global counterparts and to provide an R&D investment database that companies, investors and policymakers can use to compare individual company performances against the best global competitors in their sectors.
The 2022 edition of the Scoreboard analyses the 2500 companies that invested the largest sums in R&D worldwide in 2021. These companies, with headquarters in 41 countries, and more than 900k subsidiaries all over the world, each invested over EUR 48.5 million in R&D in 2021. The total investment across all 2500 companies was EUR 1093.9 billion - an amount equivalent to 86% of the world’s business-funded R&D and passing the trillion Euro mark for the first time.
The results of this report reveal challenges and opportunities for the EU as it seeks to improve its technology capabilities and reinvigorate its industrial base in the context of increasing global competition pressure and ongoing green and digital transformations.
Grassano, N., Hernandez Guevara, H., Fako, P., Nindl, E., Georgakaki, A., Ince, E., Napolitano, L., Rentocchini, F. and Tuebke, A., The 2022 EU Industrial RandD Investment Scoreboard, EUR 31337 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, ISBN 978-92-76-60181-4, doi:10.2760/712583, JRC132035.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-76-60180-7 (online) , 978-92-76-60181-4 (print)
1831-9424 (online) , 1018-5593 (print) , 2599-5731 (print) , 2599-574X (online)
EUR 31337 EN , OP KJ-BD-22-001-EN-N (online) , OP KJ-BD-22-001-EN-C (print)