Workshop report with conclusions and recommendations
The JRC of the European Commission launched in 2023 a series of stakeholder consultation workshops on the difficulties in bringing medical radionuclide innovations to routine use. A first workshop was held on 27 April 2023 at JRC Ispra site on “Translating radiotheranostic cancer research into clinical practice in Europe” in order to look into obstacles blocking patients’ access to the best state-of-the-art radiopharmaceutical cancer treatments. Several gaps, needs and challenges slowing down research and its translation into clinical practice were also discussed. To enable and maintain patient access to radiotheranostic technologies, a continuous and resilient supply of radionuclides, an adequately trained medical workforce, and properly equipped hospitals were found to be essential. These procedures also need an assessment by the national health systems to be considered for reimbursement. Further research is required to understand and overcome the limitations of these new therapies, such as the differences in treatment outcome and the possible benefits of an earlier treatment. Moreover, several aspects of training, logistics, health economy and regulatory issues have to be tackled to continue with the successful development of this approach, possibly expanding radiotheranostics to further types of cancer. To achieve this, a better coordination of actions is required at EU level.
GOULART Margarida;
Goulart, M. and Holzwarth, U., Translating radiotheranostic cancer research into clinical practice in Europe, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/92392, JRC134480.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-68-07533-3 (online),
OP KJ-04-23-849-EN-N (online),,
10.2760/92392 (online),