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Sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: achievements and challenges of the European approach to prosperity

2025Presentations and science disseminationEconomic and monetary Union Environment and climate change Health and consumer protection Innovation and growth JRC corporate
Sustainable and Inclusive Wellbeing Series – February 2025
The key drivers of wellbeing are not solely economic factors. Other factors, such as social relationships, environmental conditions, and access to social and healthcare systems, also play a significant role.
Wellbeing in the EU has increased over the past decade, but it varies across Member States, with some countries having a good situation in certain areas while struggling in others.
Northern and Western EU Member States record the best overall sustainable and inclusive wellbeing, while Eastern and Southern Member States show a weaker situation.
The framework Developed by the JRC and other Commission services highlights the need to balance prosperity with environmental sustainability, as well as today’s and tomorrow’s wellbeing to ensure intergenerational fairnes.
European Commission: Joint Research Centre, BENCZUR, P., BOSKOVIC, A., CARIBONI, J., GIOVANNINI, E., PAGANO, A. and SANDOR, A.-M., Sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: achievements and challenges of the European approach to prosperity, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2025,, JRC141068.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-68-24237-7 (online)
OP KJ-01-25-074-EN-N (online)
Language Citation
ENGEuropean Commission: Joint Research Centre, BENCZUR, P., BOSKOVIC, A., CARIBONI, J., GIOVANNINI, E., PAGANO, A. and SANDOR, A.-M., Sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: achievements and challenges of the European approach to prosperity, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2025,, JRC141068.
Sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: achievements and challenges of the European approach to prosperity
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