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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Learning, Teaching, and Education

2018Science for policyInformation society
Policies for the future
This report describes the current state of the art in artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact for learning, teaching, and education. It provides conceptual foundations for well-informed policy-oriented work, research, and forward-looking activities that address the opportunities and challenges created by recent developments in AI. The report is aimed for policy developers, but it also makes contributions that are of interest for AI technology developers and researchers studying the impact of AI on economy, society, and the future of education and learning.
Tuomi, I., The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Learning, Teaching, and Education, Cabrera Giraldez, M., Vuorikari, R. and Punie, Y. editor(s), EUR 29442 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-97257-7, doi:10.2760/12297, JRC113226.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-79-97257-7 (online) , 978-92-79-98205-7
1831-9424 (online) , 1831-9424
EUR 29442 EN , OP KJ-NA-29442-EN-N (online) , OP KJ-NA-29442-EN-E
Language Citation
ENGTuomi, I., The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Learning, Teaching, and Education, Cabrera Giraldez, M., Vuorikari, R. and Punie, Y. editor(s), EUR 29442 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-97257-7, doi:10.2760/12297, JRC113226.
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